Wanderlust Episode in Time Top 10
Episode 5 of Nick Payne’s Wanderlust was listed in Time’s list of Top 10 TV Episodes of 2018: http://time.com/5463609/best-tv-episodes-2018/
Time commented:
Toni Collette won heaps of well-deserved praise for her lead role in this year’s arty horror sensation Hereditary, but even that performance doesn’t compare to what she achieved in the fifth episode of the BBC/Netflix collaboration Wanderlust. Collette starred as Joy Richards, a therapist and loving mother who convinces her husband (Steven Mackintosh) that sleeping with other people will get them out of a sexual rut. The open marriage is thrilling—until, predictably, it isn’t. As that crisis accelerates, Joy visits her own shrink, the quiet but sharp Angela (Hotel Rwanda Oscar nominee Sophie Okonedo), for a difficult session that makes up the miniseries’ entire penultimate hour.
Therapy is an easy shortcut to a character’s internal life—and there’s been way too much of it on TV since The Sopranos. But, as written by creator Nick Payne and interpreted by these two exhilaratingly present actors, the encounter isn’t a feelings dump so much as an act of collaborative interpretation that has the electrifying immediacy of live theater.